Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Technical Issues with Comments

We removed the moderation of comments and then tried to add a message when you make a post.  Unfortunately somehow both the comments were hidden and it has removed our anti-spam feature.  We are working on the issue, so please check back and as always feel free to send an email to the gmail account.  Thanks for your patience.


  1. I find this development disturbing. Paired with the comments that never made it to the blog, it makes some of us concerned about a fair process. Hopefully this can be resolved quickly so parents have a fair perspective before the survey is sent home this week.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. How do you know so much about any comments that never made it to this website? That is a misleading statement as there can be any number of reasons why you didn't see your post. You have the option of using the "contact us" feature at any time. With approx. 650 families at MES, less than 3% submit any comments at all and many times we can see they come from the same sources. We allow leaving comments anonymously in drive by commentary as part of a process from which we can hardly address the allegations directly that comments are not making it to this website. A fair perspective is not part of reading anonymous commentary. Peruse the entire site particularly the pros and the cons and decide for yourself. We on the committee from both sides of the aisle have dedicated countless hours of our time away from our families after work and contributed money and effort towards making this process as transparent as possible. You get one voice through the survey and we are interested on how YOU respond and we are not through this website trying to influence families one way or another.

  4. Hi Vincent. I know because one of the comments belonged to me and I know of others whose comments never made it. And I see that the comment above was removed. I don't know whose it was...but clearly, there is an effort to remove posts that aren't "acceptable". There has also been an effort to steer parents away from the other blog, which is unfair. How I respond is important on the survey, but Ms. Thompson has been clear that unless she hears full support for this, it ain't happening. So if comments are being deleted or never posted, she isn't seeing them. As for anonymous...many of us fear for retribution to our children because written things can get out of hand. I have used the contact us feature and I have been to the public meetings. This is not a fair process and many parents are in agreement. Most don't have "countless hours" to spend arguing with your need for conformity. Please be fair or this process is dead in the water.

  5. The uniform committee is interested in your opinion per the survey. I'm interested in how and why you feel the process has not been/is not fair, because that is not what I'm hearing from parents at all. Those opposed have actually said how much they appreciate how thorough and inclusive this process has been. And I don't recall Vincent saying anything about uniformity. If you have a recommendation for how the process can be more fair or improved upon then please do let us know. We held 2 community meetings, attended BOTH back to school nights, spoke at the PTA meeting, and sent home numerous documents to parents. If we are missing something, let us know now before the process concludes.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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